Christian Trenchev : RHCBK9

text : Christian Trenchev - photo : Gophrette Power


One thing I especially like about camping is mornings. This particular Sunday morning was one of those perfect calm and peaceful camping mornings. The air was foggy and wet, it was chilly enough to wear a hoody, and Nic the barista really stepped up our coffee game. We probably woke up around 9am and just sat there drinking coffee and talking about the upcoming ride until about 12 when we finally decided to get going.

I didn’t say much that morning though, mostly because I was anxious about the ride ahead of us. The night before, Nic had kept going on and on about the how Lincoln gap was one of the most difficult climbs of his life. Nic is one of the strongest cyclists I know, hence the Sunday morning anxiety level. I was up for the challenge, but at that point my confidence level was going down every time someone mentioned the words “Lincoln” and “Gap”. I was right to be nervous however, Lincoln Gap is by far (way far) the most difficult climb I have ever done in my life. I’m not so convinced I would have made it up there without the guys encouraging me on that ever so STEEP and never-ending last stretch. There’s something nearly mythical about reaching the top of the Lincoln Gap, I think it changed me and definitely put into perspective all other climbs I have done in the past.

Looking back, we had all of the elements in place to create an epic ride. Just the right balance of morning camping vibe, coffee, eggs, a little dose of anxiety, an awesome crew, a good dose of suffering, beautiful Vermont roads, convenience store snacks, shots of whiskey, and post-ride burgers on the fire with local beers.

What else can make you feel so alive?